Plan and Execute Digital presence.

Digital Marketing

Ensure information collection from ground, creation of curated content around the information, setting up and maintenance of content delivery networks across various Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and YouTube etc.

  1. Citizen engagement through Social Media Platform
  2. Create and support a line of communication with citizens through social media platform
  3. Expansion of influence in digital medium to a wider and more diverse audience.
  4. Positioning and Public relations and public awareness through Social Media platform
  5. Dissemination of information on government schemes and services
  6. Handling citizens queries, suggestions as well as compliant resolution
  7. Understanding of citizen’s viewpoints and requirements
  8. 360 degree citizen listening to reposition the government strategy as per citizen or prospective citizen needs.


We carry out the following with regard to social media sites :

Facebook Account:

  1. Page Creation & Management.
  2. Content Architecture & Calendar.
  3. Evergreen posts, presence, response management & spam management.
  4. Organic Relationship building with fans, building conversations.
  5. Tab Creation.
  6. Track Fan activity & profiling, including Influencers.
  7. Campaigns and engagement.
  8. Reporting.
Twitter Account:
  1. Account creation & management.
  2. Enable conversations on twitter.
  3. Content Architecture & Calendar, Messaging and managing conversations.
  4. Track Fan activity & profiling, including Influencers.
  5. Reporting.
YouTube Account:
  1. Account/ Channel Creation & Management
  2. Managing Content, uploading videos periodically
  3. Developing IPRD news related videos on daily basis
  4. Creating appropriate asset fields – tags, titles, video quality, thumbnails, etc.
  5. Grow subscriptions
  6. Promote on primary channels like FB, Twitter
WhatsApp Account :
  1. Account/ Channel Creation & Management
  2. Managing Content, uploading videos periodically
  3. Creation of groups on whatsapp so as to reach out to citizens quickly.
  4. Response Management on whatsapp.